Sunday, July 28, 2013

It was an Alfred Hitchcock kinda day

I love Sundays! Going to church, worshiping God, and spending time with my baby. Here's just a little preview of what out day was like. 

We had a very fun day today. As you can see Edye was worn out!!

Now to get to the Alfred Hitchcock part, if you have seen the movie birds you will get it. so as I am holding Edye and making us some lunch today I hear a tap tap tap coming from the skylight in our kitchen. At first I thought it was raining but then thought to myself out loud no those would be some pretty big rain drops to make that noise. So, I decided to look........ And what met me there but two VERY big crows! 
They were just pecking at the glass and just looking down at me. Edye and I just stood there and watched them for about a minute before they flew away. Now, I'm not gonna lie, this made me a little nervous if not slightly scared. Then it got me thinking. How many times in life do we hear that tap... Tap... Tap... Coming from God. Whether its because your doing something you know is wrong, he has a task for you to do, or he just wants you to open your heart to him. He is here, he is tapping on our windows, on our doors, on our hearts. He Loves us he wants us to let him into our lives. Let's answer those taps before they become knocks or pounds. Lets let God in our lives (but let's leave the crows outside) and let his plan unfold!  

The steps of a man are established by The Lord, when he delights in his way.   - Psalm 37:23

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