Saturday, September 14, 2013

Princess and the frog movie night! Count down to Disney!

Only 25 more days til we venture to Disney World! For this weeks movie night the kids picked out the princess and the frog! 
On our menu was some low country boil and some beignets! 
I got some fun disney princess things at the dollar tree, some maracas, little figures, and some felt coloring pages for them to play with during the movie! 

Next up will be Beauty and the Beast!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

DIY homemade butter and maple butter from scratch

AI LOVE butter. My mom loves butter and my sister loves butter. So I decided I would try to make some.  It was extremely easy and quick. There is a restaurant in disney (the garden grill) that has the best butter in the world, that was my inspiration for the maple butter. 
All you need is
A blender, mixer, or food processor
Heavy whipping cream 
And what ever favors you want in the butter

For the Malle butter I used some syrup and a little bit of sugar.and I also made some regular butter with just salt.
 All you do is mix the ingredients in the blender until its the consistency you want. Strain any excess liquid and viola! You have butter!!
Then put it on some bread and enjoy!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Disney Snow White movie night

We had out second disney movie night in honor of our upcoming trip!
This nights movie was Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. For dinner we had dwarfs in a blanket (pigs in a blanket) snow whites stew (beef stew), gooseberry pie (blue berry pie), and poisoned apple juice (apple juice with green food coloring).  
next we went on a treasure hunt for the dwarfs jewels. Lizzie loved this and messed the most obvious one!
Then we took a break to eat some tomatoes from pas garden 
Then we went in to have dessert finish the movie and color some Snow White pictures! 
Edye even got a Snow White bib for the occasion! 

Enjoy your night everyone and happy disney dreams!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Birthdays Rollie pops and hee haw!

It was a beautiful day today to celebrate my sisters 29th birthday! (And also my bro in laws 34??) Katie's choice for dinner was crab legs! So we had crab legs shrimp corn on the cob and curly fries!! It was delicious! I forgot to get pics of the food :( for dessert my niece had a Rollie pop. Which is actually a lollipop but she says it so much cuter :) 
There she is showing off her blue tongue. 
And here's me and my baby girl all dressed up for church.
And here is pa watchingre runs of hee haw and edye dancing along. 

Celebrate your family love your life and treasure every moment. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

It was an Alfred Hitchcock kinda day

I love Sundays! Going to church, worshiping God, and spending time with my baby. Here's just a little preview of what out day was like. 

We had a very fun day today. As you can see Edye was worn out!!

Now to get to the Alfred Hitchcock part, if you have seen the movie birds you will get it. so as I am holding Edye and making us some lunch today I hear a tap tap tap coming from the skylight in our kitchen. At first I thought it was raining but then thought to myself out loud no those would be some pretty big rain drops to make that noise. So, I decided to look........ And what met me there but two VERY big crows! 
They were just pecking at the glass and just looking down at me. Edye and I just stood there and watched them for about a minute before they flew away. Now, I'm not gonna lie, this made me a little nervous if not slightly scared. Then it got me thinking. How many times in life do we hear that tap... Tap... Tap... Coming from God. Whether its because your doing something you know is wrong, he has a task for you to do, or he just wants you to open your heart to him. He is here, he is tapping on our windows, on our doors, on our hearts. He Loves us he wants us to let him into our lives. Let's answer those taps before they become knocks or pounds. Lets let God in our lives (but let's leave the crows outside) and let his plan unfold!  

The steps of a man are established by The Lord, when he delights in his way.   - Psalm 37:23

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lilo and Stitch movie night

Our first disney movie night was a success!!! This was our menu! We had shrimps noodles edamame and pineapple pound cake and cherry skewers! Our movie was Lilo and stitch. 
After dinner we put the movie in at first the kids were excited sitting in the chair watching. 
Then about  5 minutes into the movie they were bored sooooo we did the limbo!!! 
Next it was time to color a picture 
I love spending time with my family. They all bring joy to my life. 

Edye Gizzmo and I ended our crazy fun filled day on a nice stroll. 

DIY Disney vacation count down

While Edye did this 

I did this 

We are getting very excited for our Disney trip!! So I decided I would make a count down!! 
Here is the before picture!

This was a very simple task. Here we're the tools needed to make it!

Old picture frame
Different colors of spray paint (you can make it look like any Disney character using the colors of their clothes)
Chalk board paint 
Felt and Ribbon  (Optional for the ears)
Hot glue gun
Oh yeah and chalk to write on it

Stay tuned. We will be having our first Disney movie night tonight it's Lilo and stitch!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Beautiful zombifeid barbies!

Kids can play with anything! I mean anything! And usually, the things they want the most are things we do not want them to play with. Like Tv remotes, cell phones, iPad, outlets, and cords. But for Edye and my niece, broken Barbie pieces will do. Now, I'm talkin heads off hair cut off bottoms fall off and legs chewed to pieces from our old dog. But, to Lizzie and Edye these barbies, even though flawed, are beautiful princesses. So today lets take a lesson from our kids as see everyone as the beautiful beings God made.  

Gotta ru, Gizzmo is now chewing the arms off the barbies!

You are altogether beautiful, there is no flaw in you.  - Song of Solomon 4:7

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Water table fun

Being a single mom and working full time is very hard. I cherish every moment I get with my baby girl. She brings so much joy into my life, her smiles, her giggles, her kisses, and her cries. Only God could make something so amazing as a child. Watching them evolve and learn is beyond amazing. Sometimes I think she is smarter than me!! 

This is what our night consisted of and also one of her favorite things to do.

..... Play on her water table. 
She could play with this thing for hours. After playing outside she was worn out and napped then helped me do laundry, then took a bath, then played some more and off to bed.  And now it is time for me to go to bed. As you are going to bed tonight remember your children are a gift from God give them and extra hug and kiss and tell them you love them. Cherish every moment no matter how big or how small.  

Behold, children are a heritage of The Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.   - Palsm 127:3

To Blog or not to blog

Welp, after fighting with my self back and forth I have decided to go ahead, bite the bullet, and start a blog.  This will be a great blog, due to the fact that I have horrible spelling, even worse grammer skills, and not much experience in writing (note the sarcasm). I want to share my love of life,  love for my child, and love of God with everyone! So come on! What are you waiting for?! Jump on the band wagon and travel this journey with Edye and me!

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.    -Isiah 43:19